6月 20, 2008

How to save a life

張貼者: Yumi 凌晨4:53

我們假裝時間飛快流逝    還有心思在這花花世界


離別不算太久   相隔沒有千里

手上專注忙碌的有目標  那些這些都藏在一個盒子裡

時間到了 就寄往你方向去

歲月是郵票 郵資用回憶折抵

重疊的時空  你透明輕巧的我沒有感應

你有你的氣息  我們有我們的呼吸


那個表情依稀  伸手一摸化成空氣

說服不是曲終人散  只是中場休息 

終會相聚    難檔一聲嘆息

何苦為難自己  不過放聲哭泣


串成一個樓梯  一階一階爬上天庭







Step one, you say we need to talk.

He walks, you say sit down it's just a talk.

He smiles politely back at you,

You stare politely right on through.

Some sort of window to your right.

As he goes left and you stay right.

Between the lines of fear and blame

And you begin to wonder why you came.


Where did I go wrong?

I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness.

And I would have stayed up with you all night

Had I know how to save a life.

Let him know that you know best

Cuz after all, you do know best.

Try to slip past his defense

Without granting innocence

Lay down a list of what is wrong

The things you've told him all along.

And pray to God he hears you.


As he begins to raise his voice,

You lower yours and grant him one last choice.

Drive until you lose the road

Or break with the ones you've followed.

He will do one of two things.

He will admit to everything,

Or he'll say he's just not the same

And you'll begin to wonder why you came.

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